Tinder Insights
Generate cool infographics from your own Tinder user data.
Have you ever wondered if you are using an app too often? Over 50 000 Tinder users did wonder and used our data analytics and visualization tool to find out more about their own dating habits.

Tinder Insights generates personalized visualizations from the users' own app data and raises awareness of online dating patterns. The project became organically viral on social media since its launch. We created an easily digestible storytelling format that appeals to a wide audience with any level of analytical skills.

We guide users through the process of obtaining their personal data from Tinder and provide a unique experience of self-discovery. We also enable a comparison to the aggregated statistics of previous users.

Users can complete their flowcharts by entering the last few data points
Although we finished the project in December 2020, it didn’t really take off until September this year. A random reddit post got popular and suddenly we had thousands of people sharing, discussing and comparing their own Tinder data visualizations.
Get a sneak peek into my latest projects on twitter: @szucsi
Tinder Insights

Tinder Insights
